
Parishioner Registration can be done online. The link will take you to a secure site hosted by jotform. Please check the security certificate.
Attadale Parish Census (CONFIDENTIAL)

Direct Debit

The second collection at every Sunday Mass is for the financial support of your parish. Planned-giving enables the parish to plan for the financial year and for the future. Please consider committing to planned-giving. An efficient and reliable way of supporting your parish is via direct debit. Direct debit takes the place of your offering for the second collection. After you have filled in your form, please print it and post it to the parish office or directly to

Catholic Development Fund
GPO Box M962
Perth WA 6843

If you are starting a new direct debit arrangement or modifying an existing one please notify the parish office.

Click here to download form

Baptism Forms

Please contact the parish office to arrange a baptism.

Baptism Information and Enrolment Forms